Monday, March 19, 2012

Who's Still In The Competition?

Say peeps; the final weigh-in is closing in quickly.  Are you working your program?  We've seen some amazing changes/transformations over the course of this competition.  However, like opera, it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings (not really an appropriate analogy...) and there's still time for each and every one of you to make a run for the money.  I'm curious about how your journey has unfolded, and have some questions for each of you:

  • Is anyone still keeping a journal?  You are 50% more likely to succeed if you do.  Please tell us about it.
  • Has anyone substantially changed their food intake?  I don't mean calorie reduction only.  Is your change sustainable?  Tell us what's working for you.
  • Are you sleeping better?  How has this journey impacted your sleep habits?
  • Did you return to using sweeteners?  Are you drinking soda?  Do you feel differently about using these products?
  • Have you incorporated a fitness routine?  What's your experience been?  Do you enjoy it or is it still drudgery and hard work?

1 comment:

  1. I am still keeping my journal although I dont review it enough knowing that I have to write everything down ahs kept me away from the pantry many times.
    My food intake has changed quite a bit. I noticed that I get fuller quicker. I used to start my meals by eating the additions first then going for the protein. Changing that has helped me save calories and fill up on the protein resulting in eating less carbs and extras. Also, I have been snacking on cut up veggies as opposed to chips/pretzels or PBnJ crackers.
    I haven't changed my sleeping habits. Still going to bed around the same time.
    I don;t use any sweetners in coffee anymore. I have cut out soda a lot. Not completely but once a week on average I will have something diet. I typically don't ge through a whole can/bottle the sweetness is too much diet or not. I definitely drink a lot more water now.
    My fitness I wouldn't say is a routine yet. I waiver in my efforts but I do go multiple times a week. What has improved is my cardio. I am doing more cardio and full body HIIT workouts than just straight weight training. The more I do it, the more I am starting to crave it.

    Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. ~Doug Larson
