Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Do You Really Believe You Can Do It?

Weight loss programs that rely solely on external behaviors such as counting calories, skipping dessert, and doing cardio in your fat-burning zone, rarely lead to permanent weight loss if they do not simultaneously address the internal or “intangible” components of change, some of which include self-image and personal beliefs.

Change begins with a shift in these “intangibles.” As adults, we hold many beliefs that are self-limiting and that retard our progress toward achieving physical transformation. Some of these include,
“I don’t have time,” ”This is too hard,” “I hate exercising,” “I’m just not disciplined,” “Eating healthy is boring,” or “I have no self-control.”
These unsupportive thoughts and beliefs, disguised as excuses, are nothing more than self-sabotaging belief systems that you have chosen to accept as your truth. The good new is that you can also choose to accept beliefs that are supportive of the goal you are striving to achieve.

Mark Victor Hanson, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul says it best: “Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.”

What are some of the self-limiting statements that you make about yourself?  Let's make sure we help each other BELIEVE!


  1. Read a great quote today:

    "If we write our dreams and goals down, we dramatically increase our odds of realization. If we share them with others, they become potent and alive."
    - Kristin Armstrong

  2. Tammy, this is absolutely the case. Write our goals and dreams, journal the journey to achieve, and continue to focus on our accomplishments!

  3. I tried a work out this morning that I knew would kick my a$$. Going into it, I was apprehensive, but determined. The outcome: I was not able to complete the workout as prescribed. It did indeed, kick my a$$. However, for the rest of today, I felt like I accomplished something beyond my norm -- and that tomorrow, I could attempt another workout that might be beyond my capabilities. This is the essence of belief. You can do it. And, if you fail, you have failed in a noble attempt.

  4. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!
