Sunday, January 22, 2012

Losing to Gain

If you're keeping your journal accurately, you know you're about to enter DAY 15.  Before we know it, it will be DAY 89 and GAME OVER!  This team has really pulled together, supporting each other as well as your accountability partners.  I've heard that many of you plan to do our workout on Wednesday night when I'm in Kansas City, and I'm so glad you will!  Beginning next week we'll start our Tuesday 6AM workout and continue the Wednesday at 5:30 PM workout.  You now have my cell phone (hope no one minds getting weekend texts from me) so please feel free to call me while I'm out this week if you want to discuss nutrition or your workouts!

Even though we are in a "competition" for the Biggest Loser, I feel strongly that this work is not just about individuals losing weight.  Don't get me wrong -- it's terrific to see everyone striving to shed pounds.  However, I believe our desired outcome is about gaining fitness.  That's the real game changer.  For those of you who felt muscles that you hadn't felt in years after one workout -- you now know that those muscles are there waiting for you. This lifetime is all any of us have, and to live it strong, optimizing the abilities with which we were born -- that's what I want to see for each of you.  

You know, it's been 2 weeks with no soda and no sweeteners of any kind (if you listened to the honey badger).  Have you noticed a difference?  Have you shed any cravings yet?  Let the team know about your progress!


  1. I did a kickboxing workout yesterday and I really feel it today! I do notice when I eat every few hours and pick whole foods over junky, my cravings are not very bad at all. I slipped up a few days ago and found myself very hungry after that and really tired the next day. When I went grocery shopping today I noticed I had almost all fruits and vegetables and hardly any pantry foods (except some for kids). It's a much easier way to grocery shop! Hope to have a good weigh in tomorrow! Good luck team!

  2. Yes, even though I only lost a half pound this week, I feel better and do not miss my soda, french fries, or even my beer, anymore! In fact, I have a new favorite food...broccoli!

  3. Struggling with a lack of appetite which means my metabolism is slowing down. Any suggestions for something yummy? What are you eating that really appeals to you....besides broccolli?

  4. Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

    - Abraham Lincoln

  5. Most of you know that the way I approach nutrition is a little off the beaten path (google Paleo). I do not intend to ever suggest that anyone should follow me on this path. However, I read this blog today that I'd like you to read -- it speaks to the feelings we go through when we're grieving -- in this case, for the foods we opt not to eat. Substitute the concept of paleo for how you have decided to "diet," and see if this doesn't resonate for you.
    Let's get some active commentary going on this blog. Help your team by sharing your program and your journey. There is no better way to get through the challenges you face than by working with a team for your succes.

  6. @Jenny: I love lamb. Cooked in coconut oil and rosemary to medium rare & it is delicious. And thick pork chops with sauerkraut. Plus mashed sweet potatoes -- so incredibly satisfying. Macadamia nuts for excellent fat. Spaghetti squash with a great meat sauce. Throw veggies in the sauce for extra flavor. Acorn squash, baked, and mixed with onions sauteed in coconut oil. A little nutmeg and yum! Keep eating healthy foods! Don't fall into the starvation hole!
    @Matty Mo: Love the quote! Thanks.

  7. Are people still planning to do the team workout tomorrow??

    1. The bands and the circuit pages are in my office so please feel free to use them!

  8. Happy Wednesday! Halfway through the week, and I have no idea how most of you are doing -- are you still in the competition? POST PEOPLE!!

    I'm mentioned the term "food porn" to several of you -- you know who you are! Essentially, the term is used to describe the act of rapsodizing over an extremely caloric-dense, nutrient absent food (i.e., a 12-layer chocolate cake with thick chocolate frosting). And, then, just this morning, I read the following post on Robb Wolf's blog:
    It's a bit smutty, and maybe somewhat tasteless (yes, pun intended), but read it and see what it makes you think.

    1. Thanks for the article links, Maddy. The food porn was pretty funny. I read another really informative post yesterday. The videos were completely stomach-turning:
      The reason I opted out of the Standard American Diet was originally because I didn't want my nutrition in the hands of The Man. :-) The fact that my weight loss accelerated after switching to all "real food" was a happy surprise. I'm not quite as big a zealot as Joel Salatin, but I'm getting there. :-)

  9. I'm feeling good. Keeping up with clean eating, and adding more protein to my snacks has helped me not feel deprived. I'm mostly wheat-free, and can't believe those cravings are mostly gone. Tammy, I totally agree that shopping the perimeter of the grocery store is much easier. How is everyone else doing?

  10. Great work to all those at last night's workout. It was nice working out with a team. Jenny I'm with you. I can't seem to get hungry throughout the day. I have about 20-30 grams of protein, 15 grams of carbs, and roughly 200-250 calories by 8:30am. But the down fall is I don't even think of eating again until around 1ish. I guess my metabolism is running that slow. I don't want my weight loss to plateau because my body is storing fat since I am under my projected caloric intake basically everyday. Any suggestions?

    1. Tom:
      Challenging issue. It will require you to be more prepared, and mindful, of the times you should be eating. Given this issue, make sure you journal the times you eat, and the times you get hungry. Read this article:
      It explains what happens when you under-nourish. It does not give you ideas on what to do.
      My recommendations: Hard boil a dozen eggs a week. Bring 3 to work every other day. Purchase macadamia nuts. keep in your desk. Eat only one handful as a serving. Cut up some colorful bell peppers for snacking. Purchase "wholly guacamole" which comes in 3-packs for a powerful snack/meal punch. Being prepared is half the battle.
      If you forget to eat, set an alarm. Start noticing when you actually become hungry. At that point, eat the eggs. Or the veggies with the guac. You need healthy fats and protein to satiate, and tell your body you are eating enough to sustain your metabolism.

      Finally, stop counting calories. Start paying attention to the food you consume. Like Nichole, eat real food. And become satiated. It's amazing how that works!
      PS: let me see your journal. I'd like to review your approach!!

  11. Week 2 of the team workout went well. We had a few new faces (even a couple of people from Team Jamie!) and we missed a few from last week (Joe H.), but Matt kept us in line and on task. He admitted to me today that he let us go 45 seconds on each exercise instead of 30! But the good news is, I didn't struggle as much as the first week and we knew how to do the moves. Best of all, I was not sore at all today!

  12. I have found working out at night is a great way for me to spend some time with my son Jacob we are lifting weights and sparring with each other. He's 6'3" so I definately have the advantage.

  13. Saturday. Without even realizing it, I am down to one cup of coffee in the morning now. Guess that's because all the sugar and milk I used to put in a cup of coffee made it more like a meal.

  14. Eve, I can relate...I miss my Splenda, my coffee was actually more like a dessert. I am a recovering Splendaholic. 20 days Splenda Free.

  15. Love Eve and Jenny. I join them in the shift of my intake -- when I couldn't add sweetener and other stuff, I just didn't like coffee. have become a proponent of green tea. Thank you, Eve and Jenny, for sticking with it and seeing what happens!

  16. Very interesting about the sweet coffee. I used to love mochas - now I gag if they accidentally give me somebody's sweet drink at Starbucks. Now I get cravings for spaghetti sqash, quinoa, or kale salad - not as easy to find as the nearest coffee shop! :-)

  17. Good Morning. Sunday confessional: I have been playing the game like an outsider. Don't like it. Have been eating well and lost a few but now that I've read the posts, I'm clear there is more and that I am missing the boat. Maddy - if you are in the office this week, can we do that one on one I never did? I do have a complete food and workout journal. Can't make the group workouts. Is anyone available to work out with me on Saturday morning? Help! I'm craving a pizza!

  18. @Laura, I'm in all week (sigh of relief!) and would be happy to review your journal with you. I can usually work out on Saturday morning, or be available for a team workout if that works better for some folks. Trying to think of a good substitute for pizza, but I think the sad truth is, there just isn't anything that fits the bill. When I get hit with a craving (and oddly, this morning, I felt a strong pull toward chocolate), I cut up an apple, slop on some sunflower butter (or use peanut butter if you like that), and that usually satiates. Crunchy, sweet and some tasty fat. It may not work for pizza, but I'd be interested in hearing if it did.
